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Loch Awe in Scotland attracts many who want to take a break from the bustle of the city. But local hotels have one problem. This is the dark water that flows from the tap here.

Scotland has a lot of peat bogs, which is why the water in rivers and streams is brown. Hotel owner David Parker says he has wasted tens of thousands of pounds trying to make the water drinkable.

Now everything has changed. A Scottish company has developed the latest technology to purify water without filters or chemicals. She created a small device where water is purified from bacteria, viruses, parasites, as well as pesticides, heavy metals and other pollutants.

David Parker has already installed such a device at the hotel. He used to spend £12,000 a year on bottled water. And now new technology helps him get 300 liters of clean water a day.

Water problems exist across the UK.

The Scottish company hopes its technology will also be used in disaster zones. This will reduce dependence on bottled water, which also requires resources to be delivered. In general, the technology will help get rid of a huge amount of waste in the form of plastic bottles.

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