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The new fabric will allow a person to feel comfortable in clothes even when the ambient temperature changes by 15 degrees.

Scientists have invented a unique fabric, one side of which is capable of retaining heat, and the other, on the contrary, dissipating it. The new type of textile is planned to be used to create reversible clothing that could, if necessary, not only warm but also cool a person.

Experts have been working for many decades to create various materials that would allow maintaining the optimal temperature for the human body. Usually the fabric is designed to either warm or cool, but in life it often happens that in the same clothes, depending on environmental conditions or one’s own activity, it is either cold or hot. It is for such cases that the invention of scientists at Stanford University can be useful.

The main innovation of the invented material is to increase the human thermal comfort zone. At the moment, the temperature range at which a person does not freeze or sweat is 6.5 degrees. The new fabric will more than double it – up to 14.7 degrees.

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