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Who could be considered wise

Who could be considered wise

Across various cultures and countries, the wisest members of society are often seen as those who are both logical and reflective, with a strong ability to consider the feelings and perspectives of others. A recent study explored how people from 16 diverse world cultures, ranging from Japan and Slovakia to Ecuador and Morocco, understand wisdom as a valued trait. Wisdom is celebrated as a profound human...

Turkish Cypriot Artist Mirana Faiz Nominated for 2024 Hollywood Independent Music Awards

Turkish Cypriot Artist Mirana Faiz Nominated for 2024 Hollywood Independent Music Awards

Mirana Faiz was honored with an invitation to Los Angeles as one of the top six artists in the contemporary classical category. During her time there, she had the privilege of attending the awards ceremony and showcasing her talent at various events. Her nominated piece, part of her upcoming music album, was recorded at the legendary Abbey Road Studios with the support of esteemed engineers John Barrett...

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