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Two rescued wild boars now live at the New York Aquarium

Two rescued wild boars now live at the New York Aquarium.

Two rescued southern wild boars are making their debut at the New York Aquarium. These orphaned females were found off the coast of California when they were still cubs. The calans decided to be taken in.

At first, the marine predators lived in different zoos. Now their permanent home will be the New York Aquarium.

Southern wild boars live on the coast of California. Once the population of these animals numbered in the hundreds of thousands. But in the XVIII-XIX centuries calanos began to be exterminated for the valuable fur. As a result, the species became endangered. Already in the early XIX century people thought about the preservation of wild boars. Some countries began to create reserves and prohibit the extermination of these marine mammals.

Nowadays hunting of wild boars is prohibited almost all over the world. The only exception is the Aleutians, Alaska’s indigenous people.

According to estimates of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, there are 3,000 southern sea otters in the wild. And the global population reaches about 80,000 individuals.

In the past 30 years, the New York Aquarium has sheltered 11 rescued kalans.

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