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Mediterranean diet: the secret of a tasty and healthy life

Mediterranean diet: the secret of a tasty and healthy life

Do you dream of losing weight without strict restrictions and enjoying delicious food? The Mediterranean diet is your answer! This style of eating has been recognized as the best system in the world by US News&World Report for the fourth year in a row and has even become a UNESCO cultural heritage. Suitable for everyone from children to the elderly and pregnant women.

Based on the nutrition of Mediterranean countries (Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Spain), this diet includes essential vitamins and minerals. The diet includes complex carbohydrates (50%), healthy fats (35%) and proteins (15%).

The idea came from the 1950s, when Prof. Ancel Keys studied eating habits and their impact on health in different countries. His findings changed the science of nutrition.

The Mediterranean diet is not just a meal, but a lifestyle that improves health, energizes and lifts your mood.

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